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E. Arbarello, A. Bruno, E. Sernesi, Mukai's program for curves on a K3 surface, Algebraic Geometry, 1 (5) (2014) 532--557 (doi:10.14231/AG-2014-023)
E. Arbarello, A. Bruno, E. Sernesi, On hyperplane sections of K3 surfaces. Algebraic Geometry 4 (5) (2017) 562–596doi:10.14231/AG-2017-028
E. Arbarello, G. Saccà, Singularities of moduli spaces of sheaves on K3 surfaces and Nakajima quiver varieties, (arXiv: 1505.00759v4 [math AG] 3 Aug 2015, 1--40) Advances in Mathematics, vol. 329, pp. 649-703 (2018)
E. Arbarello, A. Bruno, G. Farkas, G. Saccà, Explicit Brill-Noether-Petri general curves, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, vol. 91 Issue 3, (2016) 477--491.
E. Arbarello, A. Bruno, Rank two vector bundles on polarised Halphen surfaces and the Gauss-Wahl map for du Val curves, Journal de l'École polytechnique, vol. 4 (2017), 257--258.
E. Arbarello, G. Codogni, G. Pareschi, Characterizing Jacobians via the KP equation and via flexes and degenerate trisecants to the Kummer variety: an algebro-geometric approach. J. reine angew. Math. 777 (2021), 251--271.
E. Arbarello, M. Cornalba, P. Griffiths, J. Harris, The Geometry of Algebraic Curves, Volume I, Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Vol267, Springer-Verlag 1985, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. ISBN 978-1-4419-2825-2
E. Arbarello, M. Cornalba, P. Griffiths, with a contribution by Joseph Daniel Harris, The Geometry of Algebraic Curves, Volume II, Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Vol 268, Springer-Verlag, 2011, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York,
XXX, 963 p. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-69392-5
Books edited
Guido Castelnuovo, Opere Matematiche. Memorie e Note (E. Arbarello, U. Bottazzini, M. Cornalba, P. Gario, E. Vesentini, editors), vol. 1: 1885-1893,Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 2002; vol. 2: 1894-1906, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 2003; vol. 3: 1907-1930, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 2004; vol. 4: 1931-1952; Appendice, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 2007.
Phillip A. Griffiths, Selected Works of Phillip A. Griffiths with Commentary (Enrico Arbarello, Robert L. Bryant, C. Herbert Clemens, Maurizio Cornalba, Mark L. Green, Joe Harris, David R. Morrison, and Wilfried Schmid, editors), 4 volumes, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2003.